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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gave Away My Skinny Clothes

Yes, you read correctly! I gave away my skinny clothes and I have to say it was completely liberating. Recently, in the midst of a move, I found myself standing in my closet feeling completely overwhelmed. Now mind you, this closet was the size of a small bedroom and it was FULL of clothing, all sizes that I have ranged through the last 15 years. I always hung on to my "skinny" clothes because someday I was going to "get back into them". Those clothes had somehow became my security over the years that everything would be okay. What I didn't realize until my recent epiphany is that those very clothes that I had thought were my security were actually keeping me in denial about my real problem of being FAT! Those clothes represented years of guilt. Now, I'm not saying it started out as an easy process, but one by one I went through every item tossing anything that did not fit into the donation pile. By the time I had reached the last of it, I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted. I felt happy. I was actually giving myself permission to be happy right where I was at that very moment, at that very size. It's like a fresh start!

While I believe it's important to get rid of your "fat clothes" during your weight loss journey, I believe it is equally important to rid your life of anything that is causing you to feel guilt or shame and preventing your success. What will you find in your closet?


Gldiebr said...

I find it liberating just reading your post! I should do the same. I have some skinny clothes that I've saved for when I reach that size again. Realistically, the white fabric will be yellowed, the styles out of date - I'll never wear them.

Good for you!

Tamara said...

LOVED this post! I think I need to do the same. I lost over 90 pounds and got down to a size 7/8, but now that I'm in maintenance, I've settled into a size 10. Although I'm happy at my current size, I still manage to feel guilty when I see the smaller sizes. No sense in making myself feel bad when I'm still incredibly fit and healthy!

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