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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Have You Lost Your Direction? Write Yourself a Letter.

In our busy lives, it is so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day routines that we oftentimes lose track of WHY we are even trying to be healthier, eat healthier, lose weight, or whatever your end goal may be. During stressful moments, it is so much easier just to revert back to old behaviors than to be mindful in the moment. If this sounds like you, do yourself a favor. Take 10 minutes out of your busy schedule and do something nice for yourself. Write yourself a letter about why you want to lose weight and live a healthier life. Is it to have more energy? See your children grow up? To look better? Only you know your reason, but write it down. Save your letter in a safe place. Then the next time you don't feel like taking that 20-minute walk or think you just MUST have that slice of chocolate cake or large fries, take out your letter and read it to yourself. You just might change your mind. I'm off to write my letter now!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Mysterious Kiwano Horned Melon

While shopping in my local Kroger this morning, my 6 yr. old son pointed out a rather odd looking fruit and asked curiously about it. I love trying new things so I was on a mission to find out more about this funny, prickly looking fruit. It is called a Kiwano Horned Melon and here is what I have discovered...

1. It is available year round.
2. It has the flavor that compares to a cucumber with a slight lemon and banana taste.
3. It has edible seeds and a jelly like center.

The most exciting part... 1 melon is a mere 25 calories, 0 g. fat and 1 g. fiber! It even packs 40% of daily Vitamin C. Not too shabby!

It is a tropical fruit, so it cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Look for a golden orange color with no bruises or cuts in the rind. You can keep a kiwano melon for about 2 months.

Idea: Peel, cube and toss into fresh fruit salad for a new texture and flavor!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Zucchini and Red Onion Pita Pizzas

These are so easy and delicious for a quick lunch! You could use fat-free Mozzarella and save a point, but I prefer the rich goodness of the Asiago.

Serves - 1
WW Points - 5

1 Western Bagel Alternative Pita
1 wedge Light Laughing Cow Cheese
1/4 cup zucchini, thinly sliced and sauteed
1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced and sauteed
1/4 cup Asiago cheese, shredded

Place pita on baking sheet lined with foil. Broil for 2 minutes, watching carefully so pita doesn't burn.

Remove from oven, turn pita to other side and spread with Light Laughing Cow cheese. Top with sauteed zucchini and red onions. Sprinkle with Asiago cheese.

Return to oven and broil for 3 minutes, being careful not to burn. Remove from oven, cut into 4 pieces and enjoy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gave Away My Skinny Clothes

Yes, you read correctly! I gave away my skinny clothes and I have to say it was completely liberating. Recently, in the midst of a move, I found myself standing in my closet feeling completely overwhelmed. Now mind you, this closet was the size of a small bedroom and it was FULL of clothing, all sizes that I have ranged through the last 15 years. I always hung on to my "skinny" clothes because someday I was going to "get back into them". Those clothes had somehow became my security over the years that everything would be okay. What I didn't realize until my recent epiphany is that those very clothes that I had thought were my security were actually keeping me in denial about my real problem of being FAT! Those clothes represented years of guilt. Now, I'm not saying it started out as an easy process, but one by one I went through every item tossing anything that did not fit into the donation pile. By the time I had reached the last of it, I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted. I felt happy. I was actually giving myself permission to be happy right where I was at that very moment, at that very size. It's like a fresh start!

While I believe it's important to get rid of your "fat clothes" during your weight loss journey, I believe it is equally important to rid your life of anything that is causing you to feel guilt or shame and preventing your success. What will you find in your closet?
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